A Letter From Beyond - A Sad Tale of First Love

by Jane
(Buea, Cameroon)

a letter from beyond

a letter from beyond

Dear Johny,

It's been such a long time since I departed from this world. It feels strange to be writing to you from the world beyond, but I have so much to say, and this is the only way I can communicate with you now.

I still remember the day we met, the day you approached me to be your girlfriend. I was just 16, and I agreed without hesitation. I was so in love with you, Johny. You meant everything to me.

But then things took a turn that we never expected. You insisted that we make love, and although I was hesitant at first, I couldn't deny my feelings for you. I agreed, thinking that our love was strong enough to handle anything.

And then, I became pregnant. The news hit us hard, especially considering my background as a child of a pastor. We were scared, Johny, scared of what our families and the world would think of us. And so, we made the difficult decision to abort the child, hoping to keep it a secret from everyone.

We found a so-called specialist who claimed to be able to help us. But little did we know that this decision would cost me my life. The procedure went wrong, and I died in the process. Can you imagine the pain and fear I felt in those final moments? And yet, you and the fake specialist decided to bury me

inside that building, hiding the truth from the world.

For 17 long years, I have been lying there, trapped between this world and the next. I have watched as life moved on without me, as you tried to carry on with your life. But I want you to know, Johny, that you were never the same after that incident. The guilt and regret have consumed you, and it breaks my heart to see you suffer like this.

Please, forgive yourself and find the strength to move on. You have been punished enough, living with the burden of what happened. But there is one thing I ask of you, Johny. Let my parents know the truth, let them have some closure. They have no clue what happened to their daughter, and it's time for them to know the truth, no matter how painful it may be.

Despite everything that happened, Johny, please know that you were my first love, and a part of me will always love you. But now it's time to let go and find happiness in your life. Cherish the memories we shared, but don't let them hold you back from living.

I hope that in writing this letter, I can find some peace and closure as well. It's time for both of us to move on, to find healing and forgiveness. I will always be watching over you, Johny, from wherever I am now.

With love,


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Jul 13, 2024

by: M D

This is really a sad love story. Thanks, Jane for sharing.

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