Out of Sight - An Extra Ordinary Tale of First Love

by Evangelista
(Yaounde, Cameroon)

An Extra Ordinary Tale of First Love

An Extra Ordinary Tale of First Love

Out of Sight- An Extra Ordinary Tale of First Love

In the picturesque village of Bekongyet, there resided a charming family who adored their youngest member, Brenda. Her siblings and parents went above and beyond to ensure she stayed on the right path. Brenda, with her exceptional beauty and high moral standards, was a source of admiration for all. Her brothers took it upon themselves to protect her from any unscrupulous individuals. Her friends were carefully vetted by her loving and caring siblings, who treated them as if they were part of their own family. This inclusiveness allowed me, as one of Brenda's friends, to partake in the family's activities and create a strong bond based on love and camaraderie.

Among Brenda's brothers, I had a special connection with Leslie, the eldest, and Jayden, the younger one. Both were remarkable and hospitable, thanks to their responsible upbringing. Jayden, in particular, was tall, handsome, and had a warm complexion. He possessed a lovely personality, a great sense of humor, and a caring nature. His ability to bring laughter and joy to any situation was unparalleled. We often found ourselves in scenarios filled with merriment, where we shared jokes, danced, and reveled in folktales.

During challenging times, Jayden's support and love served as a guiding light for all of us. Our bond grew even stronger during village festivities, such as cultural showcases, marathons, mountain excursions, camping trips, and cooking competitions. With Jayden's protective presence, we enjoyed precious and memorable moments together.

One night stands out in my memory, forever etched in my mind. After a cultural celebration, we attended a grand gala that took place in the evening. It was already 10 PM, and as we concluded the night's festivities of dancing and revelry, Jayden insisted on accompanying me home to ensure my safety. We left the venue brimming with excitement, walking through the beautiful moonlit night, intoxicated by the fresh, cold breeze. A few kilometers away from the venue, I felt a profound sensation when Jayden took hold of my hand. It was a feeling I had never experienced before, despite our closeness.

The gentle current coursing through my veins was both unexpected and exhilarating. Jayden paused, gazing into my eyes without uttering a word, and we shared a moment of non-verbal emotional communication. Silence enveloped us before Jayden broke it with a challenging question: Did I feel the same way for him as he did for me? Overwhelmed with shyness, I couldn't meet his gaze, as his conviction demanded a positive response.

This unexpected revelation left me with numerous unanswered questions. What about the love we shared as a family? How would his parents react if they discovered our feelings? And what would Brenda, my dear friend, think when she discovered our love? The weight of these uncertainties burdened my mind. I

found myself torn between embracing my first love and adhering to the values instilled in me by my family. Before I could respond with a rejection, Jayden tenderly grabbed me, placed his thumb on my lips, and embraced me tightly. He confessed his unconditional love for me, admitting that he had secretly fallen in love with me from the first moment he laid eyes on me. Unable to contain his emotions any longer, he implored me to be his sweetheart.

Speechless and overwhelmed by the intensity of my own feelings, I succumbed to his passionate kiss. It was a silent drama unfolding, as my body language expressed a dance of acrobatic tenderness.

Suddenly, a wave of guilt washed over me, causing me to halt and exclaim, "Stop this nonsense! We are engaging in a dirty and immoral practice that goes against our upbringing."

Jayden took a deep breath and responded, "Love is a beautiful thing, a natural and inevitable force that should not be questioned. We are not at fault for the unexplainable bond we share. Let us embrace love and let it guide us."

Overwhelmed with guilt, I couldn't bring myself to speak or look him in the eyes. Yet, Jayden held my hand warmly and assured me that I meant the world to him. He emphasized that we were not committing any offense, but rather celebrating the power of love.

Together, he promised, we would overcome any obstacles that challenged our feelings for each other. Silently, we continued our walk home, sharing one final kiss before bidding each other goodnight and parting ways.

Our love story was an extraordinary tale, extending beyond mere emotional connection. We were both driven to achieve success and create a remarkable future together. While Jayden pursued his education in the United States, I enrolled in a prestigious Higher Teachers Training College. The absence of Jayden in my life was immensely challenging.

Unfortunately, we lost touch, significantly impacting our relationship. I anxiously awaited his contact, but time was not on my side. Consequently, I made the difficult decision to marry and start a family.

Shortly after my marriage, Jayden surprised me with an unexpected phone call. He had countless things to share but was left stunned when I revealed that I was already married. This revelation triggered a flood of memories from our first love affair, reminding us of the promises we once made. Despite our unwavering determination to overcome any obstacles through the power of true love, fate intervened and shattered our plans. We mutually agreed to respect the boundaries of each other's lives, as our paths had diverged.

Jayden, being a man of distinction, respected our decisions and ultimately found happiness with a beautiful partner. While starting a family, he named his first child after me, as a testament to the bond we once shared.

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Jul 13, 2024

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