The 10 Best Places to Write.

Dec 11, 2018

Where to write? Where should I write? Where do writers write? The 10 best places to write? It depends. It varies from one individual to the other. Some writers won't be able to produce their ideas if the environment is not suitable enough. On the other hand, some writers can write anywhere. They just get lost in their own creativity, oblivious of their surroundings.

The simple advice is to write when you get inspired. If you write when you get inspired, where to write shouldn't be a problem for you. But then, it is important to emphasise that everyone is different, and each writer must find a place that suits him.

That said, I did a research on the best places to write and came up with the following 10.

1. Library 

The library is one of the best places for writers to pen down their ideas, thoughts and experiences. At the library, a writer can surround himself with shelves upon shelves of books and/or inspiration. Libraries are quiet and encourage research and writing. Try it and you won't be disappointed.

2. Botanic Garden

Nature has never disappointed, as far as creativity is concerned. At the Botanic Garden, you surround yourself with nature, you see and smell the flowers, you see nature at its finest. All these are a source of inspiration and a creativity booster.

3. Public Parks

Here you can also find a quiet and beautiful place to sit and do your writing. Some writers are inspired just by watching hundreds of people doing various activities. You will find thousands of people at the park, going about their businesses. If you want to be left alone, you will obviously find a good place. So, head to a public park and make use of the advantages available there.

4. Porch

Your porch is an ideal place for writing. It is secured. It is accessible and offers you the opportunity to head indoor if you need to refresh. However, watch-out family and neighbours who might be interested in conversations.

5. Local University

Local universities and colleges are great places to head to if you want to produce a great piece of writing. Universities encourage learning and studying, and you will probably find a wonderful place inside the campus. I utilised my local university when I was putting my manuscript together. There were times I sat alone for hours inside a big classroom. Other times I utilised the many, beautifully planned open spaces behind the classrooms. Yet other times, I sat alone for hours at the graduation boulevard. 

6. On a Train

Each time I travel by train, especially if  it's a long journey, I normally write or feel the urge to do so. Travelling by train is so romantic and enticing, as far as writing is concerned. Try it and you will produce great work. Choose a beautiful position while on board - one that allows you to steal occasional glances of the outside environment.

7. Aquarium

Ever been to the Aquarium? How did you feel when you saw those little fishes swimming from one end to the other? Beautiful, huh and very peaceful. If you are a writer you will feel like it's the best moment to piece together your thoughts, ideas or imaginations. But you have to know the best time to visit, else your plans will come to nought.

8. By the Pool or Banks of a River

Try sitting by the pool or at the banks of a river to do your writing, if you haven't done so before. You will realise, your time has not been wasted. Watch the pool. Watch the river rushing and eroding its way downstream. At the same time, put your ideas and thoughts in perspective.

9. Coffee Shops, Bus and Train Stations, Shopping Malls:

These are places you must meet new people. These people will give you inspiration- the way they talk, walk and walk. Also here, you will find a secluded and quiet place if you only want to watch the people come and go, while you do your writing. Watching people come and go will give you a different kind of feeling and inspiration.

10. On a Boat or Ferry

Try writing during a boat tour or when you are onboard a ferry. You will produce good results.

To conclude, it is important to again note that where writers write is personal and varies from one person to the other. Get ready to write anytime, anywhere you feel inspired. Do not fail to write because you are in an environment that is not conducive for you. But do not fail to recognise those places that will facilitate and help you to produce a masterpiece.

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