Doing Research For Your Writing

M D Zigo   Doing Research For Your Writing

On our article, Qualities of a Good Writer, we wrote that a good writer must be research oriented. Experts advise writers to only write what they know. This is good advice.  However, it is important to note that no one can produce any meaningful piece of writing without doing research.  Yes, without researching for your writing, you run the risk of producing low quality work. 

This article will empower you with the very basics - what you need, how to go about it and what to do after you've completed your research.

Doing Research For Your Writing: What You Need.

1.  Notebook and Pencil:  You will need a notebook and pencil to jot your findings . You will need to take notes, whether you are at home or in the library.

2.  Phone, Laptop, Computer and Access to the Internet: You need the internet to enable you access to as much information as you need.  This means you need a phone, Laptop, or computer with access to the internet. Some writers prefer to write directly on their laptop  and therefore do not need a pen and notebook as mentioned above. Note that not everything  you find on the internet is correct. There is also wrong information and you must be able to differentiate  between what is right and what is wrong.

3.  Access to the Library:  Doing research at the local library is so cool. At the library,  you will find very useful information- from news papers, books (including reference books). Librarians are also  are also there to help you  find whatever information you are looking for. At the library, you also have free access to the internet. There, you can also borrow a book to use at home if you no longer want to carry on in the library.

4.  Camera: Carrying a camera is a good idea, especially for travel writers. This will help in your photos and videos. If you submit photographs  alongside your manuscript to a publisher, there is a higher chance for your work to be accepted. There is also a higher chance for your payments to double. Imagine you stepped out to do research on tourism in your village or town and returned not only with words but also with photographs! Readers will not only read. They will see the photos.

These and more are what yo need to do research for that next big writing project.

Doing Research For Your Writing: How to go About it.

What should you do after you've obtained the basic equipment for your research? Plan it. Identify what you need to know. Identify where you think you can find that information. Is it in the library?  Do you have to search on the internet? Do you need to interview someone? Plan everything in good time.  Head to your destination with confidence. Be disciplined. Be organised and don't be distracted. 

Write clearly, if you have to write in your notebook.  Don't get home and are unable to read your own handwriting.  In case you are using the internet, remember again that not everything you find on the internet is reliable. You must be able to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong.

What Next After You've Done Your Research?

What next after you are in possession of your raw data? Unless you want to use the information immediately, remember to store it sensibly. Store it where you will easily have access to when you need it. Sometimes, we are careless with what we've worked so hard to obtain and consequently do not find it when we need it.  

There is no need to work so hard and end up not using it. 

We wish you the best as you go about doing research for your writing. We hope it will be enjoyable and rewarding enough. But do not get so engrossed in the research so much so that you forget  to write!

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