Free Writing Contests You Will Love

Welcome to our page on Free Writing Contests. Starting January 2019, shall organise free writing competitions for all our fans, well wishers and visitors. 

These contests shall be reputable, free for all participants, well reviewed and with cash prizes for poets, fiction and non-fiction writers. These competitions shall initially be sponsored by Author Zigo and family. 

Click Here to Visit Our Poetry For Justice Page

Complete-the-Short-Story-Contest May 2024

June 2024 Writing Contest: My First Love Affair

However, depending on the volume of submissions, shall solicit for funding from friends, well wishers and organisations. Check below for frequently asked questions.

Frequently asked Questions 

What type of contests shall be organised here? shall organise two writing contests every year. These include:

1. Poetry For Justice Competition: Here, participants shall submit a poem( written or in video form) on any  or both of these four main topics: Justice, Freedoms, Rights and Liberties. If your poem details the struggles of  a people for basic human rights, the fight against injustice, the quest for liberties and freedoms, then you are welcome to submit.

2. Fiction, Non-Fiction Writing Contests: Every year, base on availability of funds, shall organise  a competition for fiction and non-fiction writers. The theme of the contests shall be announced ahead of time. Rules shall also be submitted in due time

Do I Need to Pay to Participate?

No. Our contests are free to enter. You do not need to pay a fee to enter a writing contest.

However, if the submission volume shoots up, a submission fee will be instituted in future contests to help with administrative activities.

Who are the examiners?

Every contest will enable us to recruit qualified  examiners to go through the submissions and come up with winners. We promise only the best submissions shall win.

How much is the Cash Prize?

Cash prizes for both the poetry and short story competitions will differ. The prizes will differ from year to year based on the availability of funds. However, we assure you that the first three best submissions will attract a prize.

What are the objectives of the Writing Contests?

The main objective of the contest is to encourage creativity. The competition will bring out the ability to think quickly, allow your mind to wander and fantasize, be able to write persuasively and to present well connected ideas or produce a good story/poem that will make people want to react.

What are the rules?

Each contest will have its own set of rules. These rules will be found in the announcement. Follow the rules strictly, if you intend to win.

What Next after Competition?

You shall be paid your cash prize in case you win. You must also agree that if your work features amongst the first ten best submissions, it shall be published on our website.

Question still Unanswered? Any Suggestions?

In case your questions have not been answered above, send us a mail using our contact form below.

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